For fifteen minutes each night a portal opens in Tamara’s
barn and a horde of ghosts spills into her yard. She and Dex work together to
find a way to help Cal and the thousands of spirits stuck in the void to cross
over. When she learns she has the ghost touch—the ability to touch the ghosts
as if they were corporeal—and she accidentally helps a little boy cross, she
believes it might be possible. But not all the spirits play nice and when they
learn they can sip energy from her ghost touch, they become greedy putting her
life at risk.
Each time Cal has to pull her from the mass of ghosts, her
touch restores him more and more until he is at danger of being stuck on
earth—forever, which is very enticing to Tamara the better she knows him. Will
she and Dex figure out how to help the spirits cross and if they do, will she
be able to let Cal go?
This new adult paranormal romance is available in ebook, and audiobook
from Amazon, and now available in print!
The newest face in Tamara’s latest nightmare was
about to be revealed when a loud SLAM
woke her. Still anxious from the events of the night before, Tamara had slept
lightly all night. She pulled the shotgun from where she’d tucked it under her
bed, slipped into a pair of sneakers and headed out to the barn. The hairs on
the back of her neck rose when she found Ruff cowering and whimpering in front
of the doors where he’d sat menacingly the night before. She hesitated as she
drew up next to him. A faint blue light seeped through the crack between the
large doors. There were no windows on the front of the building, so there was
no way she could know who was in there or where they were. Even though it would
be embarrassing, she decided to call the police again.
As she turned toward the house, the large barn
doors swung open. Her heart kicked into high gear. She leveled the shotgun,
pointing it straight at the doors as they glided open on their own accord,
hoping the sight of the gun would be enough to scare the intruder away.
An unnatural blue-white light spilled outward,
making her squint. Blinding bright in the center, it faded to murky shadows in
the corners. Tamara’s heart all but stopped when shapes developed within the
bright center. A crowd of people surged forward, scattering in all directions
across her yard.
There were so many. Panic filled Tamara while she
tried to figure out what to do, how to defend herself against so many. Who were
all these people? Why had they been in her barn? Why is that man digging?
“Hey, stop!” she yelled.
A woman in a torn red dress stumbled up the hill
reminding Tamara of herself in last night’s dream. The woman’s long blond hair
streamed behind her in the windless night. She continually glanced over her
shoulder, a terrified expression gnarling her beautiful face, though no one
pursued her.
Then a single man sauntered forward, his attention
intent on Tamara. The bright light behind him made it impossible for her to
make out any detail, but his manner seemed equal parts commanding and relaxed.
Her heart fluttered madly, and she felt the muzzle of the rifle dip toward the
ground as she considered fleeing. A flat, wide-brimmed cowboy hat sat straight
on his head. Well-worn leather chaps covered his bowed legs. Strange clicking
noises accompanied him across the lawn. As he drew closer his image sharpened.
When Tamara saw his face, she lowered the gun barrel. “Sheesh, I am dreaming.”
She looked into the skinless face of her latest
“Ma’am, I can assure you, this is no dream.”
LA Dragoni weaves several interesting
and unique premises about the afterlife into this story -- and the love
triangle is only two parts living! The story has eerie, vivid descriptions of
the ghosts, and the emotional turmoil of all three of the main characters is
very well defined. Dragoni provides an awesome villain to hate and then
masterfully manages to change the reader's opinion of the villain.
There are several twists and surprises
in the plot, and the ending is satisfying but absolutely leaves questions that
hopefully will be answered in a subsequent novel.
-Hall Ways blog
Sounds like a great read and I love the cover! Best of luck!
Thanks for sharing Ghost Touch with your readers, Mayra.