Thursday, April 30, 2020

Book Launch Q&A: Kathleen Stone, Author WHISPERS ON A STRING #booklaunch @kstonewriter @pumpupyourbook

Kathleen Stone has been a freelance writer since 1999 and now writes full time. Her work has appeared in Doll World Magazine,, The Lake County Journals,; USA Today (travel), (lifestyle), Essortment, eHow, Answerbag,, Suite101 and YahooVoices. She is the author of Whispers On A String and the Head Case Rock Novel Series, which includes Head Case and its sequels, Whiplash and Haven. She also has short stories published in the Secrets: Fact or Fiction I & II anthologies.



Book Blurb
What happens when your soul is bound to another before you were ever born? Lonny and Roo have been best friends since they met in high school in 1975 at the age of fourteen. Same last name, same birthdate, they were attached at the hip; rarely was one seen without the other. Together they navigate through their emotional high school years, but nothing prepares the naive teenagers for the real world ahead of them. Now on the cusp of their fiftieth birthday, Lonny finds Roo broke and alone and convinces her to leave with him on a cross country road trip from New York to Las Vegas, hoping to set her on a new path in life. Told exclusively by Roo, follow the friends back and forth through their unique relationship — experience the loss of innocence, career and life choices that separate and unite them, and unspeakable events that nearly destroy them. It’s a love only they understand, as well as the unbreakable bond that forever ties them together. Is it possible they are only capable of loving each other?


Amazon →

After your book was released, what was the first thing you did when getting ready for your book launch?

I updated my website (, and did a social media blitz on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

After that, what was your next step?

I created an author page on Facebook and invited everyone on my friends list, which was a tremendous help.

Did you ever consider using a PR agency to help you promote your book or did you prefer the DIY route?

I’ve always preferred the DIY route, only because I rarely have the extra money to spend to involve PR agencies and the like.

What are your views on social media for marketing your book?

I think social media is a must for authors promoting their books these days. If you already have a presence on social media, that helps, but social media has become a crucial tool in the way authors promote books in this day and age.

What social media has worked best for you?

I have found that Facebook and Twitter have worked best. I’m still trying to maneuver Instagram to my benefit, and I recently returned to my LinkedIn account and revamped that.

Did you revamp your author’s page at Amazon in any way to prepare for the launch?

I hadn’t paid much attention to my Amazon author’s page until I was ready to launch this book, and I will say that it makes a big difference. It puts a face and personality to your work and I think that’s important for authors as well as readers. It gives a more personal connection.

Did you create a book trailer?

I didn’t create a book trailer at the time, but I am putting one together now. It’s not my area of expertise so it’s a bit of a challenge.

Any tips for those authors wanting to set up a successful book launch?

Don’t be fearful of putting yourself out there, whether it’s building a website, or taking advantage of social media. Contacting authors you know, or who write similar types of books, are excellent sources of camaraderie, and may be willing to read your book before it’s published as not only an extra set of eyes, but may also be willing to write a review and/or blurb for your book cover.

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