New Picture Book: 'Five Funny Tummy Men' by Jean Reed

New children's picture book teaches kids about the digestive system...

What happens to your food after you swallow it? Where does it go? You are going to meet FIVE FUNNY TUMMY MEN who get VERY busy each time you eat your breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks! The FIVE FUNNY TUMMY MEN will help you be happy and healthy for a zillion years, IF YOU LET THEM.

Find out more on Amazon

Stay tuned for the review!


  1. A second edition of "Five Funny Tummy Men" is available wherein the "Men" are multicultural on the Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million website.

  2. Great book for youngsters to learn about their bodies.

  3. My 6 year old grandson loves the Five Funny Tummy Men. Fun and lots of questions from him. Stimulating and informative. BRAVO!

  4. Thanks for your comments. I look forward to posting my review soon!
