Book Launch Q&A: Ross Victory, Author of VIEWS FROM THE COCKPIT #ViewsFromTheCockpit #booklaunch @pumpupyourbook

Ross Victory is an American Marketing professional, travel enthusiast, and author of the new memoir, Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son. He spent his early years collecting pens, notepads and interviewing himself in a tape recorder. With an acute awareness for his young age, he was eager to point out hypocrisies and character inconsistencies in children and adults through English assignments. He delighted in provoking a reaction from his English teachers with writing that seemed to wink and smile. 

He enjoys writing non-fiction and fiction projects--stories of captivating, complex characters expressed in all their dimensions usually on a path to self-discovery through suffering. After the loss of his father, Ross has married his love for writing to create a compelling memoir to inspire the world. Ross received his B.S. in Business Administration & Marketing Management.

Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son by Ross Victory is a memoir born from pain. Intimate journal entries morph into a phenomenal dialogue of tender father-son memories, loss, strength and turbulence in a young boy’s life on his journey into manhood. When the author discovers that his father is terminally ill and a victim of elder abuse, he embarks on a journey of reflection and discovery which soars and nosedives, chapter by chapter. Decorated in airplane analogies, with writing you can feel, Views from the Cockpit serves as a catalyst for readers to take perspective of their lives from the highest point. Views is a narrative that provides emotional assurance that readers’ unique experiences of pain, love and loss cannot be recreated or erased, but can be processed in order to not lose sight of their life journeys.


 Barnes & Noble

After your book was released, what was the first thing you did when getting ready for your book launch? 

I prayed! Leading up to the release of my book, I found myself in a lot of anxiety. But then the book was out and it went away.

After that, what was your next step? 

After the book was released, I felt calmer, but I immediately went to work with marketing, promotion and getting people excited about reading.

Did you do anything different to spice up your website in lieu of your upcoming book release? 

Yes, I designed my whole website myself as the booking was being printed. So there was a ton of new, fresh content to add and create.

Did you ever consider using a PR agency to help you promote your book or did you prefer the DIY route? 

Yes, I contacted multiple PR agencies to see how much it would cost. My background is in Marketing Management, so I ultimately decided that the DIY route would be fun and a cool way to exercise my skills. The only issue is that it takes so much time and effort to execute a strategy.

Were finding reviews a top priority for you and, if yes, how did you approach that? 

Yes, reviewers were/are a key part of my marketing plan. I used Goodreads to generate giveaways and will generate a giveaway on Amazon soon to drive reviews. Then, I use the reviews as a promotional tool to drive sales. I am also curious to see what readers think about the story and my writing to make better writing decisions in the future.

What are your views on social media for marketing your book? 

I think social media is a key piece of a larger puzzle and strategy. Online presence is everything and allows me to reach out to people who may be interested in the book based on what they already post and like.

What social media has worked best for you? 

Facebook and Instagram seem to be working well.

Did you write a press release and do you think it worked for you? 

I hired a PR firm to write a press release. I think it’s something good to have, but not sure if it worked and how it translated to sales.

Did you revamp your author’s page at Amazon in any way to prepare for the launch (

Yes, I claimed and updated my author page as soon as the book had an ISBN number.

Did you have other books you offered for free in order to help sell your present book? 

No, I didn’t try that. But I will use that as a strategy in the future. A free chapter or a free novella to help drive sales.

Did you set up booksignings and, if so, how did that work for you? 

I recently attended the Leimert Park Bookfair. It was great! I got a chance to meet with readers directly about Views from the Cockpit and talk about the importance of its message which is perspective, love, forgiveness and legacy.

Did you create a book trailer?

Did you time your book launch around a certain holiday? 

Yes, my book was launched on Father’s Day 2019. Father’s Day made the most sense since the book covers father-son relationship topics and it was a good way to honor and release my dad’s memory.

What was the best money you ever spent on your book launch? 

You don’t want to know! But I believe that every dollar invested will return three or four fold when readers get ahold of the message and experience the “ride” on Views from the Cockpit. And the lives that await them on the other side of ownership of experience.

Any tips for those authors wanting to set up a successful book launch? 
I would recommend that authors do your best. Be true to yourself and your vision for your message. Be authentic to your scope of talents and tell the truth. You can never go wrong with the truth, no matter how brutal, embarrassing, unfortunate it is.

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