Book Launch Q&A: M.N. Grenside Author of Fall Out #booklaunch


Mark Grensideborn and raised in London, began his working career straight out of school at Lloyds of London, specializing in Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion Insurance. At 25 it was time for a career change and to dump the suit and tie, so he started his media career working for Jim Henson and The Muppets©. From that moment on he has been involved in Entertainment and nearly every aspect of it.

He went on to create and produce several television series and mini-series. At the same time, he started a music management company launching million seller artist Neneh Cherry.

In 2004 he arranged the US $250 million buy-out of the Hallmark Channel International which was then successfully sold to NBC. He returned to producing a number of movies and mini-series.

He has recently morphed into a serial entrepreneur and is now a co-founder of seed to shelf CBD producer Dragonfly Biosciences ( and a founder in two separate digital companies.

In addition to his love of cooking, an unhealthy amount of time and money is lavished on a collection of classic cars that he has raced all over the world. He enjoys risk and has parachuted in New Zealand, scuba-dived in the Pacific, hang-glided in the Himalayas and even tobogganed down the Cresta Run. In nearly every case chasing after his wife who is utterly fearless!

He is now writing the follow up to Fall Out, entitled The Bastion. In addition, he writes a humorous blog with subscribers in more than 40 countries.

He has two grown sons, two daughters’-in-law, three grandchildren and lives in Malta with his wife and two French bulldogs.

Mark’s latest book is the thriller, Fall Out.

You can visit his website at and his blog at or connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads.


After your book was released, what was the first thing you did when getting ready for your book launch?

I danced a JIG! Sadly, due to Covid all my launch events to include my book tour and party were cancelled! On the actual launch day, my wife and I opened a bottle of champagne on our balcony full of balloons. However, I did several TV and Radio interviews where I live as well as a number of podcasts internationally. 

After that, what was your next step?

Getting my head around social media to create promotions and increase followers which was a huge learning curve.  After much toing and froing, I became active on Twitter (@mngrenside), Facebook (@mgrenside), Instagram (@mngrenside), LinkedIn (@markgrenside) and more recently on TikTok

 In addition, I have my own humorous blog ( which is in 40 countries.

Did you do anything different to spice up your website in lieu of your upcoming book release? 

Goodness yes! I spent a considerable amount of time and money creating my author website. I updated the pages, changed the user journey and tried to make it more engaging. Check it out on as well as my own humorous blog ( which is in 40 countries.

Did you ever consider using a PR agency to help you promote your book or did you prefer the DIY route?

I did both.  The more promotion the better so I tried to cover every angle.  Constantly trying to think outside the box.

Were finding reviews a top priority for you and, if yes, how did you approach that? 

It was absolutely a top priority.  Especially with Amazon due to the marketing algorithms.  The more reviews you receive the more Amazon promotes you which in turn drives sales.  I was very fortunate that early on Fall Out received some terrific reviews from both Oscar Nominated and Multi Emmy winning Producers underscoring the accuracy of depicting the real world of Hollywood.  Next, I set into action networking with friends, colleagues, and family members to buy the book and leave a review on both Amazon and Goodreads.

What are your views on social media for marketing your book? 

In simple terms it is crucial. In this day and age, the fastest way to reach readers is through social media.  When my book launched my wife and I made a list of social influencers together with famous people that we either knew personally or could get to through other contacts.  One well known personality and influencer posted a photo and rave review of the book to his 7.5 million followers on Twitter.  This was a Godsend both in new book sales and new Twitter followers.  Never underestimate how much publicity you can create on your own.

What social media has worked best for you? 

It varies as I believe each one targets different groups.  Twitter is definitely a driver but creating posts and videos on Instagram can show more of your personality.

Did you write a press release and do you think it worked for you?

Yes a Press release was written for the book and it proved to be extremely valuable. It was put out on a worldwide press wire and was picked up by loads of publications internationally that I would never have been in otherwise. That proved to be the best value for money during the launch.

Did you revamp your author’s page at Amazon in any way to prepare for the launch (

Yes. I went onto Amazon, Goodreads, etc. to add my photo together with my biography.

Did you create a book trailer?

My publisher created a small book trailer.

What was the best money you ever spent on your book launch?

Probably a really great bottle of wine! Actually, I would say it was paying for the Press Wire.

Any tips for those authors wanting to set up a successful book launch?  

Don’t leave anything to the publisher you can do yourself.


Author: M.N. Grenside
Publisher: BloodHound Books
Pages: 455
Genre: Thriller

Book Blurb:

“A page-turning, jaw-dropping thriller of action and surprise. A riveting debut.” – Damien Lewis, international bestselling author

An LA screenwriter is killed shortly after completing his latest script, FALL OUT – a thriller destined to be a blockbuster but written with a secret double purpose.  Echoing events from the past, the screenplay is sent to a very specific group of people and will change their lives forever.  All are connected to a movie that had abruptly stopped shooting in the jungles of the Philippines years before.  FALL OUT exposes the truth about a conspiracy and murder that led to a half-a-billion-dollar fortune for a select few.

Follow the story of Producer Marcus Riley, who sets out on an increasingly dangerous quest to get FALL OUT made.  From a powerful agent’s office in Hollywood, hidden treasures in Belgravia and a remote chalet in the Swiss Alps to murder at the Cannes Film Festival, Marcus teams up with designer Melinda (Mako) de Turris as they and the other recipients of the screenplay are pursued by an assassin from the past.

With clues cleverly concealed in the screenplay, Marcus and Mako unravel a lethal puzzle that for some will bring death, others the truth and ends in a cave with a shocking secret…

“If you want a fast-paced stand out different thriller, I can’t recommend Fall Out enough. I loved it.” —Emma Forbes, broadcaster

“Amazing . . . I agree with all the other reviews that have stated if you like Dan Brown or James Patterson, then this book is for you.” —Joyful Antidotes

“And, action! Plenty of it and super nasty bad guys and stories so outrageously crazy they can only be true . . . Fall Out is inventive and, at times intentionally filmic . . . The fun doesn’t stop for 440 pages.” —Booksplainer

Book Information

Release Date: August 27, 2021

Publisher: Bloodhound Books

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1912666751; 400 pages; $13.46; Kindle: ASIN: B09C1PJNZ4; 480 pages; $4.99; FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED, FREE AUDIOBOOK WITH AUDIBLE TRIAL


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