My Book Launch: Urbex Predator by Jens Boele #UrbexPredator #Horror #Thriller


Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in the entertainment industry, brings over two decades of cinematic expertise to his writing. Born in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his writing odyssey in his youth, culminating in the publication of his debut book, “Sunshine,” in 2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and his latest spine-tingling creation, “Urbex Predator.” Jens is a genre-bending author, specializing in horror and crime thrillers. His narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales that plunge readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind; his villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling examination of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane. Jens sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic horror with the gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion imbues his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day readers alike. Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across borders, as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated into English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States, Jens’s passion for exploration and his international perspective, nurtured by family and friends in the US, shine through in his writing, offering readers a captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity. Visit Jens’ website at



After your books were released, what was the first thing you did when getting ready for your book launch?

After releasing my recent books in Germany, preparing for the US launch was quite an adventure. I was drawn to the US market due to its multitude of opportunities. With so many available tools, I had to carefully determine which ones would offer the best value for investment. After several weeks of market research, I devised a comprehensive marketing action plan to guide the release. Initially, I prioritized securing early reviews, followed by implementing a mid- and long-term strategy that incorporated virtual blog tours and targeted book promotion initiatives.

After that, what was your next step?

I centered my efforts on acquiring reviews and decided to explore various platforms including Goodreads, Reedsy, BookSprout, NetGalley, and Pubby. Through this process, I discovered that certain platforms yielded better results than others. Some platforms proved to be costly and resulted in critical reviews, while others offered positive, verified feedback. Admittedly, this journey was occasionally frustrating, but the insights gained were invaluable. I've garnered a wealth of knowledge that I can apply to the promotion of my next book.

Did you ever consider using a PR agency to help you promote your book or did you prefer the DIY route?

No, I never entertained the idea of using a PR agency, and here's why. I firmly believe that to truly understand what you're doing, you have to dive in and do it yourself, especially at the outset. Otherwise, you'll never fully grasp the process. As the saying goes, 'You either pay with money or with time,' and that holds true. However, investing time upfront can save you money in the long run. While I might consider working with a PR agency to glean insights into their strategies and methodologies, it would primarily be to inform my own approach to promoting my book. It's worth noting that I've been in marketing for about 25 years, which gives me a solid foundation in understanding these dynamics.

Were finding reviews a top priority for you and, if yes, how did you approach that? 

Absolutely, reviews are crucial. They can truly make or break a book's success. Early reviews, especially those on release day, signal to retailers that there's demand for the book, prompting them to give it more visibility. It's vital to keep those reviews coming because each one is essentially a sale, and sales drive a book's ranking higher. For major retailers like Amazon, what matters most is activity on their own platform. If your book generates traffic and engagement there, they're more likely to prioritize it. External promotion is important, but without driving traffic to the retailer's platform, it can be ineffective. Reviews play a significant role in driving that traffic and boosting visibility.

What social media has worked best for you? 

I have to admit, I'm a bit of a Social Media Grinch. My primary platform is Instagram, where I've generated the most posts. I've dabbled in TikTok, but for various social and political reasons, I try to keep my distance. I've been considering becoming more active on YouTube, but I haven't fully committed to it yet. So, for now, Instagram is where you'll find me most often. Feel free to follow me there; my handle is broken_window_shots.

Did you create a book trailer? 

Absolutely! I take great pride in creating my own book trailer. It's incredible what you can achieve with AI these days. Being a professional designer, I'm well-versed in using After Effects, Premiere Pro, and Audition. Utilizing tools like Midjourney to generate content assets was a blast. Once I had my script ready, I procured a voiceover from platforms like Fiverr and fine-tuned the video accordingly. It took some time and several test views, but the end result was truly spectacular. Feel free to check it out on my website,, and drop a comment if you'd like. Enjoy the thrill! (I even would have done a second trailer if I did have the time to do it.)

What was the best money you ever spent on your book launch? 

That's a thought-provoking question. I'd suggest asking me again in two months, as I'm currently assessing the outcomes. It's challenging to pinpoint a standout investment right now. Can I measure the financial value of my website? Perhaps, but does it translate traffic into sales? Maybe not immediately. Nevertheless, it's pivotal for my writing career. One investment that seems promising is booking newsletters for a free promotion during the launch week. While BookBub didn't accept my deal, several other marketers did, and based on my result tracking, it proved effective. I managed to secure the number one spot in all of my niches. So, I consider this a solid investment for now. However, I'm still in the process of investing in the launch, and the best outcomes might be yet to come.

Any tips for those authors wanting to set up a successful book launch?

Invest wisely, ensuring the expenditure doesn't strain you. Focus on actions directly impacting your book sales and reviews. Plan for the long term and prioritize trackable marketing measures.

For debut authors, craft a robust marketing plan incorporating the above principles. Strive to schedule numerous actions and diligently track their outcomes. Each morning, I assess my rankings, sales, and marketing efforts, maintaining a clear overview of what's effective and what's not. Aim for a plan spanning at least three months, ideally six if feasible.

However, it's crucial to brace yourself for a harsh reality: don't anticipate earning back every penny invested. If your debut book's success is measured solely in financial terms, it's time to reassess.

The real outcome lies in the lessons learned during your first book launch, which you'll apply to subsequent endeavors. Sustainable financial success hinges on maintaining a well-oiled machine of writing and marketing, fueled by discipline and passion.


Author: Jens Boele
Publisher: Amazon KDP
Pages: 394
Genre: Horror Thriller

A relic from the Cold War, the old barracks beckon photographers, influencers, and adventurers, shrouded in secrets and peril. Nela and Tess dare the eerie ruins for their photography thesis, while Zander, Yelka, Vivien, and Damon embark on a simultaneous shoot. Amid the abandoned shadows, Yelka’s group runs into Steven and his ruthless gang, initially outsmarting them. Yet, Nela and Tess fall victim to a nightfall ambush, escaping but torn apart. As adrenaline courses through the gang, they stalk Yelka and her friends, unleashing a relentless manhunt. Vivien becomes their captive, setting off a chain reaction. Tess encounters Damon and Yelka, while Nela, guided by Ben, the barracks’ security manager, races to find Tess. Yelka strives to rescue Vivien, trapped in an abandoned outdoor pool. On his lone pursuit, Zander witnesses the gang’s brutality, delving into a darker realm within himself, spurred by the horrifying thrill of Steven’s actions. The scene propels Yelka, Damon, and Tess into a frenzy, unleashing chaos to liberate Vivien. Nela and Ben, attempting to overpower the gang, witness Yelka and Vivien’s escape as the gang closes in. With the arrival of Steven’s older brother, Henry, the stakes are set; the old military hospital transforms into a battleground. No one is to leave alive, and a matter of life and death ensues. In the ruthless clash, Nela and Yelka emerge as the lone defenders, while Zander pursues a mission for his own catharsis. In Henry’s basement, dubbed his Hades, the teams converge for a pulse-pounding final duel, where survival is the ultimate prize. You can pick up your copy at Amazon

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