My Book Launch: The Beauty of Tribulation by J.A. Cox

 Title: The Beauty of Tribulation
Author: J.A. Cox
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 98
Genre: Christian Nonfiction

The Beauty of Tribulation was written to provide answers based upon scripture to help us understand things such as:

  • The purpose of tribulation in the life of a believer.
  • Reasons why it is necessary.
  • How God uses it for our edification and his glory.
  • How God is not the author of our tribulation.

At the root of it, the greatest purpose is to depict the beauty of our painful, frustrating, and most hopeless moments when we allow God to complete the work he is trying to accomplish through them. As you turn the pages of this book you will be taken on a journey that will delve you deep into the tribulation process and come away with a firm understanding of it, perhaps like never before. Every premise is backed with scripture, focused on what the bible says rather than my own ideas.

J.A. Cox hopes that all who read will walk away with a greater appreciation and devotion toward the Lord in regard to this troublesome subject and inevitable part of our lives.


“…I think The Beauty of Tribulation will be relevant for Christians seeking a deeper understanding of their faith, as well as for those grappling with questions about the presence of evil in the world and the nature of divine justice. Cox’s approach which blends insightful queries, scriptural citations, and logical explanations, facilitates a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. The book encourages a connection to the experiences of Jesus and offers a perspective on suffering as a path to dignity and honor, both in heaven and on earth. Its insightful and reflective nature makes it a valuable read for people looking to deepen their understanding of Christian theology and the human experience within it.” – The Literary Titan

You can pick up your copy at Amazon or Kobo.


Book Excerpt:

Tribulation is the most abundant commodity that everyone is looking to sell but no one is willing to buy.  It is an experience so common to mankind that it transcends social, cultural and language barriers.  It requires no introduction or explanation.

We commonly associate the following with it:

1.                   Suffering.

2.                   Adversity.

3.                   Trial.

4.                   Pain.

5.                   Temptation.

6.                   Infirmity.

It is safe to assume that the general perception of tribulation is not positive, and we desire to avoid it as much as possible.  This places a Christian in a precarious position. 

This is the case when we consider what God's word exhorts:

1.                   To count it all joy, James 1:2,3.

2.                   To greatly rejoice in it, 1 Peter 1:6.

3.                   To not think of it as strange, 1 Peter 4:12.

4.                   That we glory in it, Romans 5:3.

5.                   Paul expressed exceeding joy in it, 2 Corinthians 7:4.

6.                   We must experience much to enter God's kingdom, Acts 14:22.

In regard to such maybe you have thought the following:

1.                   Okay Paul, I know you were a great man of God and had endured much hardship but I'm having a difficult time finding joy in this.

2.                   Is there something wrong with me if I have no joy in suffering?

3.                   Why must we go through tribulation?

4.                   Why does God allow us to suffer?

5.                   Do we experience tribulation as a form of punishment?

6.                   Does tribulation mean that God has forsaken me?

I realize that these are thoughts believers scatter from as roaches do from the light.  This is done out of a fear that entertaining such could give authority to them as well as make it a reality.  While there is truth in that line of thought, the realization of that reality is on a conditional basis.  In other words, those thoughts would not manifest without effort being put into making them so or a lack of effort to bring them about.  There is also an equivalent level of danger in believing that a Christian is above such lines of thinking.  It is also devastating to deny their reality. Those types of thoughts are a natural and unavoidable occurrence generated from our unconverted body. Also, another truth needs to be realized, your tribulation is not being orchestrated by God.

--Excerpted from The Beauty of Tribulation, by J.A. Cox. J.A. Cox, 2020. Reprinted with permission.



J.A. Cox is a husband, father and disabled veteran. He is passionate about Jesus Christ and has a desire to allow God to use his writing to bring glory to his name and reach others for him. His other passions lie in: 1) Empowering people by teaching about things that he is knowledgeable in in a simple and fun as well as interesting manner. 2)Inspiring others that they may realize how the true potential to overcome their perceived dilemma lies right between their ears and how they allow it to manipulate what their eyes behold. 3) Helping people to realize that being healthy truly begins with realizing how important it is for them to be intimately acquainted with their own body in order for others to help them resolve its maladies that beset it. Along with those, he enjoys entertaining with fiction based on the concept that fact is stranger than fiction and then stretching it just a tad to create some memorable page turning moments that you will likely recall for some time to come.

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